Reptiles of the Yucatan Peninsula

Loggerhead Turtle Hatchling, (Photo - Hotel Eco Paraíso)
The Yucatan Peninsula is home to over 180 species of reptiles and amphibians that inhabit its rich and ideal natural habitat. A diverse reptile population, from sea turtles to boa constrictors, can be found in all parts of the equally diverse habitat. While some might not be easy to see, all leave their distinct footprint on the Yucatan Peninsula.
- Morelet's Crocodile - Crocodylus moreletii
- American Crocodile - Crocodylus acutus
Turtles and Tortoises
- Green Turtle - Chelonia mydas (Threatened)
- Loggerhead Turtle - Caretta caretta (Threatened)
- Hawksbill Turtle - Eretmochelys imbricata (Endangered)
- Leatherback Turtle - Dermochelys coriacea (Endangered)
- Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle - Lepidochelys kempi (Endangered)
- Tabasco Mud Turtle - Kinosternon acutum
- Creaser's Mud Turtle - Kinosternon creaseri
- White-lipped Mud Turtle - Kinosternon leucostomum
- Scorpion Mud Turtle - Kinosternon scorpiodes ...photo
- Narrow-bridged Musk Turtle - Claudius angustatus
- Mexican Giant Musk Turtle - Staurotypus triporcatus
- Furrowed Wood Turtle - Rhinoclemmys areolata
- Yucatan Box Turtle - Terrapene carolina yucatana
- Slider - Trachemys scripta
- Central American River Turtle - Dermatemys mawii (in far-southern Quintana Roo & western Campeche)
- Common Snapping Turtle - Chelydra serpentina rossignonii

Morelet's Crocodile, Coba
- Black-beaded Lizard - Heloderma horridu
- Dwarf Gecko - Sphaerodactylus glaucus ...photo
- Spotted Gecko - Sphaerodactylus millepunctatus ...photo
- Ocellated Dwarf Gecko - Sphaerodactylus argus
- House Gecko - Hemidactylus frenatus...photo
- Mediterranean Gecko - Hemidactylus turcicus
- Saint George Island Gecko - Aristelliger georgeensis
- Tuberculate Leaf-toed Gecko - Phyllodactylus tuberculosus
- Central American Smooth Gecko (Turnip-tailed Gecko) - Thecadactylus rapicauda
- Yucatan Banded Gecko - Coleonyx elegans ...photo
- Yellow-spotted (Yucatan) Spiny Lizard - Sceloporus chrysostictus (endemic to the Yucatan Peninsula)
- Cozumel Spiny Lizard - Sceloporus cozumelae (Endemic to Cozumel and northern coasts of Yucatán peninsula)
- Lundell’s Spiny Lizard - Sceloporus lundelli
- Blue Spiny Lizard - Sceloporus serrifer
- Rose-bellied Spiny Lizard (Rosebelly Lizard) - Sceloporus variabilis (in far-southwestern Quintana Roo)
- Black Iguana - Ctenosaura similis
- Campeche Spiny-tailed Iguana - Ctenosaura alfredschmidti
- Yucatan Spiny-tailed Iguana - Ctenosaura defensor (endemic to the Yucatan, only in the western part of the peninsula)
- Green Iguana - Iguana iguana
- Eastern Casquehead Iguana - Laemanctus longipes (in far-southern Campeche & far-southwestern Quintana Roo)
- Serrated Casquehead Iguana - Laemanctus serratus
- Brown Basilisk - Basiliscus vittatus
- Smoothhead Helmeted Basilisk (Elegant-headed Basilisk or "Casque-headed Lizard") - Corytophanes cristatus (in south Campeche)
- Helmeted Basilisk - Corytophanes hernandezii
- Neotropical Green Anole - Norops biporcatus
- Brown Anole - Norops sagrei ...photo
- Ghost Anole - Norops lemurinus
- Silky Anole - Norops sericeus
- Smooth Anole - Norops rodriguezi
- Greater Scaly Anole - Norops tropidonotus
- Rainbow Amieva - Amieva undulata
- Yucatan Whiptail - Cnemidophorus angusticeps
- Checkered Whiptail - Aspidoscelis tesselata (Cnemidophorus tesselatus)
- Maslin's Racerunner - Aspidoscelis maslini (Cnemidophorus maslini)
- Cozumel Racerunner (Whiptail) - Aspidoscelis cozumela (Cnemidophorus cozumelae)
- Rodeck's Whiptail - Aspidoscelis (Cnemidophorus) rodecki (endemic to Islas Contoy & Mujeres off the north Yucatan Peninsula, and on the mainland in the vicinity of Puerto Juarez)
- Schwartze's Skink (Yucatan Giant Skink)- Eumeces schwartzei
- Sumichrast's Skink - Eumeces sumichrasti
- Central American Mabuya (Bronze-backed Climbing Skink) - Mabuya unimarginata

Black-tailed Indigo Snake eating Black Iguana

Red Coffee Snake, (Photo - Jim Conrad)
Non-venomous Snakes
- Black Blind Snake - Leptotyphlops goudotii
- Yucatan Blind Snake - Typhlops microstomus
- Boa Constrictor - Boa constrictor
- Middle American Burrowing Snake - Adelphicos quadrivirgatus
- Rustyhead Snake - Amastridium veliferum
- Mussurana -
Clelia clelia
- Mexican
Snake Eater - Clelia scytalina
- Eastern Racer - Coluber constrictor
- Two-spotted Snake - Coniophanes bipunctatus ...photo
- Yellowbelly Snake - Coniophanes fissidens ...photo
- Black-striped Snake - Coniophanes imperialis
- Peninsular Stripeless Snake (Yucatan Striped Snake) - Coniophanes meridanus (endemic to the northern end of the Yucatan Peninsula, in northern Campeche and Quintana Roo)
- Five-striped Snake - Coniophanes quinquevittatus
- Faded Black-striped (Schmidt's Striped) Snake - Coniophanes schmidti
- Many-lined Snake (Yucatan Road Guarder) - Conophis lineatus
- Snail-eating Thirst Snake (Short-faced Snail Sucker) - Dipsas brevifacies
- Middle American Smooth-scaled Racer (Brown Racer) - Dryadophis melanolomus
- Black-tailed Indigo Snake or Black-tailed Cribo - Drymarchon (corais?) melanurus
- Speckled Racer - Drymobius margaritiferus
- Black Blind Snake - Epictia goudotii ...photo
- Blotched Hooknosed Snake - Ficimia publia
- Tehuantepec Hooknose Snake - Ficimia variegata
- Keeled Earth Snake - Geophis carinosus
- Rosebelly Earth Snake - Geophis rhodogaster ...photo
- Blunt-headed Tree Snake (Brown Blunt-headed Vine Snake) - Imantodes cenchoa
- Central American Tree Snake - Imantodes gemmistratus ...photo
- Yucatan Blunt-headed Tree Snake - Imantodes tenuissimus
- Tropical
Milksnake - Lampropeltis triangulum
Blanchard's or Yucatan Milk Snake is the subspecies that is endemic to the Yucatan.
- Rain Forest Cat-eyed Snake - Leptodeira frenata
- Northern Cat-eyed Snake - Leptodeira septentrionalis ...photo
- Green Treesnake (Parrot Snake) - Leptophis ahaetulla
- Green-headed Treesnake (Mexican Parrot Snake) - Leptophis mexicanus ...photo
- Neotropical Whip Snake - Masticophis mentovarius ...photo
- Salmon-bellied Racer - Mastigodryas melanolomus ...photo1 ...photo2
- Red Coffee Snake - Ninia sebae
- Mexican (Neotropical) Vine Snake - Oxybelis aeneus ...photo
- Green Vine Snake - Oxybelis fulgidus
- Variegated False Coral Snake - Pliocercus (Urotheca) elapoides ...photo
- Central American (Yellow-red) Rat Snake - Pseudelaphe flavirufus (Elaphe/Pantherophis flavirufa)
- Bird-eating Tree Snake (Neotropical Bird Snake, Puffing Snake) -
Pseustes poecilonotus ...photo
- Adorned Graceful Brown (Striped Forest) Snake - Rhadinaea decorata ...photo
- Guatemala Neckband Snake (Shovel-toothed) Snake - Scaphiodontophis annulatus ...photo
- Green (Peninsular) Rat Snake - Senticolis triaspis
- Banded Snail Sucker - Sibon fasciata
- Cloudy Snail-eating Snake (Snail Sucker) - Sibon nebulata
- Pigmy Snail Sucker - Sibon sanniolus
- Tropical Rat Snake (Tiger Treesnake) - Spilotes pullatus
- Scorpion-eating Snake - Stenorrhina freminvillei
- Yucatan White-lipped Snake - Symphimus (Opheodrys) mayae ...photo
- Yucatan Centipede Snake - Tantilla cuniculator
- Blackbelly Centipede Snake - Tantilla moesta
- Yucatan Dwarf Centipede-eater -
Tantillita canula ...photo
- Linton's Dwarf Short-tail Snake - Tantillita lintoni
- Checkered Garter Snake - Thamnophis marcianus
- Western Ribbon Snake - Thamnophis proximus
- Orangebelly Swamp Snake - Tretanorhinus nigroluteus ...photo
- Terrestrial Snail Sucker - Tropidodipsas (Sibon) sartorii ...photo
- Yucatecan Worm Snake - Typhlops microstomus
- False Fer-de-lance - Xenodon rabdocephalus ...photo
Venomous Snakes
- Cantil - Agkistrodon bilineatus
- Jumping Pit Viper - Atropoides nummifer
- Terciopelo (Fer-de-lance) - Bothrops asper
- Eye-lash viper - Bothriechis schlegelii ?? (Please let us know if you
have information about the status of this species in the Yucatan)
- Yucatan Neotropical Rattlesnake
(Cascabel) - Crotalus tzabcan (durissus) ...photo
- Brown's Coral Snake - Micrurus browni
- Variable Coral Snake - Micrurus diastema ...photo
- Mayan Coral Snake - Micrurus hippocrepis
- Central American Coral Snake - Micrurus nigrocinctus ...photo
- Hognosed Pit Viper - Porthidium nasutum ...photo
- Slender Hognose Pit Viper - Porthidium ophryomegas ...photo
- Yucatan Hognose Pit Viper - Porthidium yucatanicum
Note: many of the location details are from Focus on Nature tours list of reptiles
Reptile Articles
- Snakes of the Yucatan, YucatanLiving, Feb 2010
- A posting on FieldHerpForum.com with lots of photos of Anoles and a discussion on identification of the species in the photos, June 2008.
- Follow-up on the decline in hawksbills of the Yucatan region, from WWF's Latin American and Caribbean Marine Turtle Programme, 2005.
- The Campeche "Escorpion", an Unknown Mexican Reptile, by Peter Heimes, México desconocido, May 2000. A great article about the discovery (in 1994)
and ecology of the Campeche Spiny-tailed Iguana - Ctenosaura alfredschmidti.
- Morelet's Crocodile at Yucatan Peninsula; Crocodile Specialist Group (WWF) Newsletter; Jan-Mar 2002.
Spanish translation