About This Website

This website was created by Mihir and Ameet. Our passion for wildlife drove us to see the world; we now utilize the Internet to reach people across the globe and share this with them. This is one way that we can contribute to the preservation of the natural world which has provided us so much fun, adventure and opportunity to learn.
The idea for these kinds of websites - Yucatan
Wildlife and Peru Wildlife - was born out of
necessity. As we were doing research for our spring 2005 trip to the Yucatan
peninsula, we found out that it was difficult to get advance information to help
plan the trip. The information on the Web was hard to find and scattered across
many sources. The good information was mixed up with lots of not-so-good
stuff. We found something similar as we planned a trip to Peru.
Check out our latest website - San Francisco Bay Area Wildlife.
This website is intended to be a portal to useful and selected information
about the wonderful wildlife of the Yucatan peninsula. These
pages are not expected to replace all the good information that is already out
there - and more is being added all the time.
If You Want to Help
We are looking for sub-editors for various sections of the site. If
you are interested in some aspect of Yucatan Wildlife and would like
to get involved, please get in touch by
with some details about yourself and your background. We look forward to
hearing from you.
The following people have contributed to the development of this website.