Other Yucatan Wildlife Related Links
Wildlife and Ecology
The Maya Forest is the largest remaining tropical rainforest outside of the Amazon. That makes it the world's second largest
- Web site from the Annual Birding Festivals.
- Yucatan Dry Forest Ecological Region, WWF Report.
- Notes on the Plants, Animals & Ecology of the Northern Yucatan Peninsula by Jim Conrad.
Jim stays in the Yucatan every winter and writes a weekly newsletter with interesting articles regarding nature and animal life. He has also assembled some of his notes into an
informative website. ...link
- The Nature Conservancy's projects in the Maya Forest.
- The Mesoamerican Biological Corridor by Craig Metrick.
Nice map showing Yucatan regions that are part of the Mesoamerican Corridor.
- A portrait of The Peregrine Fund's Maya Project: ecological research, habitat conservation, and development of human resources in the Maya Forest.
Travel and Ecotourism
- Yucatan Today - Comprehensive information for travellers, lots of details.
- Ecoturismo Yucatan - They offer many specialized tours catering specifically to travellers interested in wildlife and ecology.
- Yucatan Living - A blog which is a good resource for people who prefer to explore this region and its special culture beyond what most tourist websites and guidebooks usually recommend.
- Hacienda Chichen Resort and Yaxkin Spa - Green boutique hotel and spa resort committed to sustainable tourism.
- Yucatan Adventure Geo-Travel Guide - A volunteer Sustainable Tourism and Travel magazine by the Maya Foundation In Laakeech