Insects of the Yucatan Peninsula
Butterflies are probably the best documented insects online. Information about other insects is sparse and scattered.
Butterfly Photos
- A very nice ID chart of selected species from Northern Yucatan by Jim Conrad
- John Sterling's photos of Yucatan butterflies
- Yucatan butterflies by Tom Murray
- Yucatan insects (excluding butterflies) by Tom Murray
A partial list of Butterflies and Moths
There are over 1200 species of butterflies and moths in the Yucatan.
- Giant Sicklewing - Achlyodes busirus
- Iphicleola (Confusing) Sister - Adelpha iphicleola ...photo
- One-spotted Prepona - Archaeoprepona demopho ...photo
- Two-barred Flasher - Astraptes fulgerator ...photo
- Bumblebee Metalmark - Baeotis zonata
- Juniper Hairstreak - Callophrys gryneus
- Pompilia Satyr - Cissia pompilia ...photo
- Julia - Dryas iulia ...photo
- Bernardino Dotted-Blue - Euphilotes bernardino
- Tropical White - Glutophrissa drusilla ...photo
- Glaucous Cracker - Hamadryas glauconome ...photo
- Mountain Longwing - Heliconius hortense ...photo
- Tropical Buckeye - Junonia evarete
- Ruddy Daggerwing - Marpesia petreus
- Pale Mylon / Dingy Mylon - Mylon pelopidas
- Orange-barred Sulphur - Phoebis philea
- Cloudless Sulphur - Phoebis sennae
- Leading Redring - Pyrrhogyra neaerea ...photo
- Malachite - Siproeta stelenes
- Ceanothus Silkmoth - Hyalophora euryalus
- Silver-Spotted Tiger Moth - Lophocampa argentata
Other Insects
- A list of over 400 species compiled by Armas Hill of Focus on Nature Tours
- Jim Conrad, at Backyard Nature, has a few notes based on his insect encouters.