
Marine Turtles and Turtle Nesting
From May to October, Green Turtles and Loggerhead Turtles come to nest on
the beaches of the Yucatan. One of the best places to see them is Akumal.
Akumal means "Place of the Turtle" in the Maya language. Here are some
links that will lead you to more detailed information:
- Centro Ecologico Akumal (CEA)
CEA is a non-profit, NGO that conducts scientific research on the region's ecosystems.
They have a specific program for studying and protecting sea turtles.
- Turtle Walks
During the nesting season, May through September, CEA conducts turtle walks at night on the beach at Akumal. It is a wonderful chance to see a nesting turtle. Anybody can join but reservations are required. ...link
- Green Turtle Fact Sheet from the US Fish and Wildlife Service
- Loggerhead Turtle Fact Sheet from the US Fish and Wildlife Service
- Detailed research notes on Green Turtle observations in Akumal Bay, Quintana Roo, Mexico, 1997 TO 2004, by Sheldon I. Aptekar.
- Good photo of a Green Turtle in the Yucatan.
(Photos of turtles on this page are courtesy of the CEA.)
Spanish translation