Endemic and Near-endemic Birds of the Yucatan Peninsula
There are 14 species that are endemic or near-endemic to the Yucatan
The 3 species endemic to Cozumel Island are:
- Cozumel Emerald - Chlorostilbon forficatus ...photo
- Cozumel Thrasher - Toxostoma guttatum
The Cozumel Thrasher (Cuitlacoche de Cozumel) is perhaps the most critically endangered bird in
Mexico. The last credible sighting was in July 2004 with possible sightings in 2007. If you have
information about any recent sightings of this bird, please contact
Robert L. Curry with information about date, time, and
location in as much detail as possible.
- Cozumel Vireo - Vireo bairdi ...song
Birdlife International Factsheet on Cozumel's endemic species -
Yucatan Peninsula
The other 11 species are found more widely on the peninsula:
- Ocellated Turkey - Meleagris ocellata
- Yellow-lored or Yucatan Parrot - Amazona xantholora
- Yucatan Poorwill - Nyctiphrynus yucatanicus
- Yucatan Nightjar - Caprimulgus badius
- Red-vented or Yucatan Woodpecker - Melanerpes pygmaeus
- Yucatan Flycatcher - Myiarchus yucatanensis
- Yucatan Jay - Cyanocorax yucatanicus ...photo
- Yucatan Wren - Campylorhynchus yucatanicus
- Black Catbird - Melanoptila glabrirostris
- Rose-throated Tanager - Piranga roseogularis
- Orange Oriole - Icterus auratus ...photo
The Black-throated or Yucatan Bobwhite and the Mexican Sheartail are generally considered endemic to the Yucatan Peninsula, yet the Bobwhite has a few populations in Honduras, and the Sheartail has a population in Veracruz.
Spanish translation